Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Help: Post #2

Currently, I am still reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett.
     Different parts of The Help symbolize what actually happened during this time period. This book represents a lot of the history in the late 1960's. By reading The Help, you can learn what happened during the 1960's, and be entertained at the same time.
     Mae Mobley, a young girl who was raised during the late 1960's, in Jackson Mississippi, symbolizes all of the children who grew up during that time period who weren't loved by their mothers, but instead, taken care of and loved by black maids. Children in the 1960's grew up hardly knowing their mothers, but having a close bond with their black maids. Abilene, Miss Elizabeth's maid (Mae Mobley's mother), raises  Mae Mobley. Mae Mobley loves Abilene, and Abilene loves her. Miss Elizabeth does not understand how to raise a child. Miss Elizabeth relies on Abilene to feed her child, change her diaper, give her naps, clean up after her, and so much more. For doing all of this work, Abilene doesn't even get paid minimum wage.
     The way children were raised many years ago is much different than the way they are raised now. Most children nowadays grow up having a tight bond with their mothers. The way people raise their children now is much more sensible than the way things used to be. As I read this book, it is so dad to think that white children grew up in these conditions, and black men and women had to deal with the wrath of white people.

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